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A picture is worth a thousand words... In many cases, good illustration is the best way to explain a complex concept or process. We can create different types of illustrations. Illustrations can be created from photo images, hand sketches, CAD drawings, written descriptions. Illustrations can be created as line drawings, black and white or color rendered images.


Illustrations of products, parts, assemblies, tools, components, equipment for use in technical manuals, installation or user guides, illustrations for the U.S. Patent or any other technical documentation.


Any complex process requires a detailed step-by-step description. Flowcharts and diagrams make it easier to understand and follow and in some cases are required.


Creative illustrations including character / mascot development, storyboards, objects, landscapes, portraits, or still life images to use for presentations, business mascot, or any printed or web materials.

Royalty-free photos, stock vectors and illustrations - EraPhoto.com

We have a huge library of royalty-free images that were created by us. Our royalty-free images are free (standard license) for our graphic design projects.

browse our royalty-free images library

More illustration projects

  • Medical illustration - Medical illustrations of the human or animal bodies and body parts, muscles or skeletons, medical equipment, supplies, tools, medicaments, instruments, body and organs functions, medical research flow charts and diagrams.
  • Architectural Illustration - Images of the buildings, bridges or any other structures or construction sites, interior design elements, floor plans and furniture illustrations to be used by architecture, real-estate or construction businesses for projects or promotional / advertising purposes.
  • Patent drawings - If you are applying for the U.S. patent, you are most likely required to submit drawings with your application. There are specific requirements and it's important to get it done right. We created patent drawings for many patents and we'll be happy to help with drawings for your application too!
  • Food Illustration - Illustrations of food, drinks, fruits, vegetables, berries, containers to be used for cooking and diet books, menus, product labels and packaging, or any advertising material.
  • Labels - Instructional, product or warning labels to be used as product assembly, packaging or for any other product documentation or to be mounted on the product or equipment surface.